Last year's garden was so. very. sad. I'll be making up for it this year. The plants are moving on up...in a vertical garden, that is. Oh gawd...I'm not as funny as Nate says.
Plans for this year: Trying out this new freestanding vertical garden from Garden Up! along with the usual containers. The usual "just plant it to see if it grows" still stands - it has about a 70% success rate so far.
Plants for this year: Strawberries, spinach, zucchini, thyme, cilantro, spring onions, bell peppers, jalapenos, cherry tomatoes (I have 100% success rate with this one), garden peas and chives. There are a few others I want to throw in, but more for 'natural mosquito repellent' and 'overall bug deterrent'. I'm not really convinced either will work but we'll see later in the season.
Have any plant suggestions I can throw in the mix? Have any plant suggestions I should never throw in the mix? Note: I can never. ever. get basil to grow so don't give me that one. Have any fun ideas to showcase the containers - I'd love to hear them!
Leave a comment with what you're growing, have grown, or want to grow below or tweet me - @JenEvison.
Happy Gardening!
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